"Happiness is like a butterfly;the more you chase it, the more it will elude you, but if you turn your attention to other things, it will come and sit softly on your shoulder."-Thoreau

Friday, June 27, 2008

"Home" is a lonely word

For the past three days, Cindy and Abby have been in Greenville, SC visiting friends and family. I've had to work late each of those nights so it worked out that Cindy and her mom could go together and take Abby on the 2 1/2 hour drive. For the past 5 months I have had someone to come home to everyday, but these last two nights have been miserable. You would think "I can get some stuff done" and you would have some free time, but I found myself going to bed early and trying to stay busy at work as long as I could just so I wouldn't have to come home to an empty house. I really miss Cindy and Abby when they are away from me. I like hearing Abby squeal and Cindy sing songs and read to her. I even found myself looking forward to the NBA draft last night. Needless to say I was ready for them to come home today.

Unfortunately, Cindy got food poisoning at dinner last night and stayed up all night vomiting. So right now both Cindy and Abby are taking naps, leaving me along in the house again. But, at least I know they are home safe with me and I get to play with them in a few hours when they wake up.


Alison said...

All it takes is a little girl to turn their daddy's into softies! :)

Rachel said...

Cindy, I hope that you are feeling better. Food poisoning is the WORST!!
Unfortunately, the New Kids concert was not last week while we were in DC...I have to wait ALMOST 4 MONTHS until I get to do that...the torture! :)

Courtney said...

Heth - I'm glad to hear you miss your girls so much. Though, I'm a little afraid you might whack their knees with a pole if they get outta hand. I sure hope Cindy got to feeling better quick - for her sake! :)